Barbula convoluta

Revised name: Streblotrichum convolutum

English name: Lesser bird’s-claw beard-moss

An acrocarpous species that forms bright yellow-green cushions or tufts. The shoots have spreading, parallel-sided leaves with a tapering tip. The nerve may be shortly excurrent and the leaf margins may be recurved below. The leaves become twisted when dry.

In Scotland, Barbula convoluta is widespread in southern, lowland and coastal areas where it is found in disturbed, open habitats such as paths and waste ground, gardens, pastures and arable fields. BBS distribution map

Look out for Barbula unguiculata, Bryum dichotomum and Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum nearby.

Confusion species: Barbula unguiculata, Didymodon fallax and Zygodon viridissimus

Barbula convoluta in a churchyard near Deskford (VC94)