Diploicia canescens

A placodioid species with a white to pale grey thallus that forms rosettes with clearly defined, contiguous marginal lobes. The lobes are convex, become wider towards the apices, and are distinctly white pruinose. The centre of the thallus tends to be darker and becomes covered in patches of pale to slightly yellowish, farinose soralia.

Thallus: C-, K+ yellow, UV+- dull orange

In Scotland, Diploicia canescens has a mainly a lowland and coastal distribution. It can be found on dry rocks and stonework, and dry, nutrient-enriched bark. BLS distribution map

Diploicia canescens on coastal rock in St. Andrews and Craig Hartle SSSI (VC85)
Diploicia canescens on coastal rock at Fowlsheugh (RSPB) (VC91)
Diploicia canescens on hawthorn near Stonehaven (VC91)