Oligotrichum hercynicum

English name: Hercynian haircap

A distinctive acrocarpous moss with scattered, vivid-green upright stems. The leaves are incurved and have a sheathing base. The leaf margins are strongly inrolled, even more so when dried, and give the leaves a solid appearance. The shortly cylindrical capsules have a beaked lid and are held upright on a yellowish seta.

Capsules mature in summer.

In Scotland, Oligotrichum hercynicum is widespread in upland areas where it is found on disturbed and acidic mineral soils such as on mountain tops, scree, hill paths and old quarries. BBS distribution map

Look out for Diplophyllum albicans, Nardia scalaris and Pogonatum urnigerum nearby.

Oligotrichum hercynicum on a woodland ride near Forres (VC95)