Plagiothecium undulatum

English name: Waved silk-moss

A distinctive pleurocarpous moss with pale green, sparsely branched shoots that are flattened in one plane and that have wavy leaves.

Capsules mature from late spring to summer.

In Scotland, Plagiothecium undulatum is widespread in deciduous woodland and conifer plantations, and can be found in upland oak and birch woods as well as Scottish pine woods where it grows on wood, rock and acidic soil. It is also found on moorland and heaths. BBS distribution map

Look out for Dicranum scoparium, Hylocomium splendens, Pleurozium schreberi and Thuidium tamariscinum nearby.

Confusion species: Plagiothecium denticulatum agg.

Plagiothecium undulatum on a bank at Craigmore Wood, Potarch (VC92)