Xanthoria aureola

A foliose species that consists of strap-shaped, discrete, but overlapping lobes. Apothecia are sparse or absent.

BLS distribution maps suggest that, in Scotland, Xanthoria aureola has intermittent coastal distribution where it is found on exposed, nutrient-enriched shores and old buildings near and on the coast. Recent recording in NE Scotland, however, reveals that it is also regularly found inland on gravestones and manmade substrata like pebbledash gateposts. BLS distribution map

Xanthoria aureola can be distinguished from Xanthoria parietina on basis of the straplike, discrete and overlapping lobes rather than neat rosettes that consist of lobes that significantly widen at the edge. It can be distinguished from Xanthoria calcicola by the absence of coralloid isidia.

Xanthoria aureola on a gravestone near Towie (VC92)